two-layer visco-elastic system

Product description:

VISCOWRAP is a low-scale, amorphous, apolar, sticky, flexible, solid polyolefin coating in the form of a roll, used to protect underground and superficial substrate from corrosion. VISCOWRAP is part of a two-layer system that consists of an internal corrosion protection layer (VISCOWRAP) and a mechanical external protective layer, which can be an external PE or PVC tape. VISCOWRAP is compliant with ISO 21809-3 type 13A.


Viscotaq is an ideal corrosion prevention coating for these transitions. It can be applied with minimal surface preparation, does not require primer and forms a homogeneous continuous, self-healing corrosion prevention coating. Viscotaq bonds at a molecular level creating an impermeable barrier to moisture and oxygen. It shows excellent adhesion to the steel surface but also to underground and aboveground coating systems, essential for a transition coating. In addition, it always remains in a semi-solid state that provides high impact strength and allows for a high resistance against sheering. Ease of application and outstanding performance is what makes Viscotaq an excellent technology for corrosion prevention.


Advantages and features of the system:
  • ideal in the application to pass the ground – air
  • easy to apply
  • permanently flexible
  • durable adhesion
  • SP 2 min surface preparation (wire brush)
  • compatible with other coatings
  • nontoxic
  • patented technology
  • used in cold
  • environmentally friendly
  • no substrate
  • resistant to UV radiation
  • easy forming


  • Surface insulation of pipes and underground tanks
  • Ground – Air Crossing
  • Temperature range -35°C to +100°C
  • Continuous operating temperature up to 80°C with external PE or PVC Heavy Duty cover
  • Surface preparation minimum SP-2 (wire brush – does not require sanding!)
  • Minimum application +3° C above dew point


VISCOTAQ® VISCOWRAP system structure:
  • VISCOTAQ® VISCOMASTIC – continuously plastic mass for filling uneven and empty spaces
  • VISCOTAQ® VISCOWRAP tape – wrapped with 10% insert (1 layer)
  • VISCOTAQ® PVC or PE tape – mechanical protection – 50% wrapping (2 layers)


In accordance with the following standards:
  • EN 12068
  • EN ISO 21809-3 – 13A type

Question about VISCOTAQ® VISCOWRAP - two-axis visco-elastic system

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EN: Question about VISCOTAQ® VISCOWRAP - two-axis visco-elastic system